Cosplay Contest Application Form

This form is to apply for the Cosplay Contest.

This form is to be filled out in English. All names are to be written in Western format.

  • Full Name:
  • Anime/Manga/Game you Are Cosplaying:
  • Character:
  • Picture of Character
    (link to picture, not website please):
  • Picture of Cosplay
    (you in the cosplay, or the cosplay it's self):
  • Walk-On, Skit, or Both?
    (if skit or both, please provide the full names of your group members):

- Cosplay Contest rules and General Con rules will be followed. Failure to do so will lead to you being escorted out of the con with no refunds.

Email this form until May 11, 2010. After this date, entries will no longer be accepted.

For information on the contest, please see Cosplay Contest Rules